JAPAN POST BANK has set forth in its Basic Sustainability Policy and Environmental Policy that it will engage in environmentally friendly activities and work to resolve environmental issues to protect nature and the environment and pass them on to future generations, and it is promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG)* emissions and other initiatives.
JAPAN POST BANK announced its agreement with the TCFD Recommendations in April 2019, and has been making disclosures in accordance with the TCFD framework. For more details, please visit “Complying with the TCFD Recommendations” under Related Information.
Related Information
Complying with the TCFD Recommendations
Based on the recognition that climate change is an important issue that will seriously affect the environment, society and business activities, Japan Post Bank has established the "JAPAN POST BANK Environmental Policy" and declared to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050. In order to achieve these policies and declarations, we will promote various initiatives to reduce and avoid the impact of climate change and improve efficiency.
The JAPAN POST BANK Environmental Policy stipulates that, in consideration of the impact of our business on the environment, we will actively work to save resources and energy, recycle resources, use environmentally friendly goods, and manage industrial waste to reduce the burden of our business on the global environment, and that we will contribute to the realization of a recycling society and global environmental conservation by addressing climate change through our business and promoting environmental considerations in society.
JAPAN POST BANK Environmental Policy
Recognizing that climate change, which has a serious impact on the society and the economy, is an important issue, we announced the Japan Post Bank Net Zero GHG Emissions Declaration in March 2022. To achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement, we are implementing various measures to reduce the impact of climate change and are working to improve efficiency, such as through conserving energy.
Metric*1 | Unit | Base year | FY2022/3 | FY2023/3 | FY2024/3 | FY2025/3 | FY2026/3 | FY2031/3 Medium-term Target |
2050 Target |
Target | Perfor- mance |
Target | Perfor- mance |
Target | Perfor- mance |
Target | Target | |||||||
Emissions for the Bank (Scopes 1, 2)*2 ,*3 |
kt-CO2 | FY2020/3 48 |
44 (-8%) |
43 (-10%) |
27 (-43%) |
24 (-51%) |
23 (-52%) |
19 (-60%) |
23 (-53%) |
- | 19 (-60%) |
Net zero | ||
Emissions from the finance portfolio (Scope 3 Category 15) |
All Sectors *4 |
Absolute amount (book value basis) | million t-CO2 | - | - | Approx.48 | - | Approx.47 | - | - | - | - | Per unit of investment (book value basis) 59.9 (-50%) |
Absolute amount (market value basis) | million t-CO2 | - | - | Approx.41 | - | Approx.41 | - | - | - | - | ||||
Per unit of investment (book value basis) | t-CO2/100 million yen | FY2020/3 119.8 |
- | 84.9 (-29%) |
- | 80.5 (-33%) |
- | - | - | - | ||||
Per unit of investment (market value basis) | t-CO2/100 million yen | - | - | 71.8 | - | 71.3 | - | - | - | - | ||||
Power Generation Sector | Emissions Intensity | gCO2e /kWh |
- | - | 346 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 165-213 | ||
Balance of ESG-themed investments and financing*5 | trillion yen | - | - | 2.1 | - | 3.2 | - | 4.6 | 5.9 | 7.0 | - | - |
GHG Protocol classification. CO2 is a target and subject to management at JAPAN POST BANK.
Scope 1: Direct emissions of greenhouse gases by the business itself
Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the use of electricity, heat and steam supplied by other companies
Scope 3: Emissions of other companies related to the activities of the business (category 15: investment)
To reduce the impact of climate change, we are working on measures for mitigating and adapting to climate change and are also supporting measures for the mitigation and adaptation to climate change within our supply chain and among our investees and borrowers. Details of these efforts are as follows.
Climate change countermeasures | In-house initiatives | Supporting initiatives throughout the supply chain and among investees and borrowers |
Mitigation measures Measures that prevent global warming, such as by minimizing GHG emissions or maintaining and enhancing absorption by forests and plants |
(Initiatives for Scope 1 and 2 reduction)
(Initiatives for Scope 3 reduction)
Adaptation measures Measures to address the current and future impact of climate change caused by global warming |
JAPAN POST BANK is developing new services that will reduce paper usage by harnessing ICT, and we are eliminating paper and waste through the digitization of documents such as those that we send to our customers.
Internally, we are striving to reduce paper usage from various angles, accomplishing this by improving services through sales using tablets, as well as by eliminating paper used in internal meetings, introducing a paperless, electronic decision-making system, and conducting seminars through e-learning. All photocopy paper used internally is recycled paper.
With no issuing of a passbook, this service enables customers to use their cash cards for cash deposit and withdrawal enquiries, while current balances are obtained via "Yucho Direct." Instead of issuing passbooks, details of deposits and withdrawals can be confirmed for up to a maximum period of 20 years*. Since the paper used for both conventional passbooks and for the various notifications sent to customers is unnecessary, this leads to a reduction in paper usage.
Related Information
Yucho Direct+ (plus) (Japanese version only)
This is a service that enables customers to check transfer receipt / payment notifications and payment handling slips from 9:00 a.m. the day after the account update on an office computer, home computer or smartphone. The feedback we have received from customers has included comments like "Being able to confirm transfer receipt / payment notifications via the internet is convenient," "No longer needing to store hard copies of transfer receipt / payment notifications has made life easier." Since transactions are confirmed via an online screen instead of informing customers in writing, this is also leading to a reduction in paper usage.
Related Information
Online Service for Viewing Transfer Receipt / Payment Notifications (Japanese version only)
JAPAN POST BANK includes the Flat 35 S in its home loan lineup.
The Flat 35 S provides a reduced interest rate for a fixed period of time for Flat 35 applicants who acquire long-lasting homes that are high-quality, energy-saving, and earthquake-resilient.
By providing the FLAT 35 S to customers, JAPAN POST BANK will promote the spread of environmentally friendly housing, such as houses that reduce cooling and heating energy consumption, and work to contribute to Japan’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
In FY2023, we provided approximately 1.9 billion yen in [Flat 35] loans, of which approximately 1.1 billion yen was provided as [Flat 35] S loans.
Related Information
Yucho Flat 35 S (Japanese version only)
In our contract processes, we declare "Consideration for the environment: We shall conduct procurement activities with consideration for conservation of the global and regional environment and effective use of resources," and so conduct environmentally friendly procurement.
For example, we use vegetable-based ink*1 to print our Integrated Report (Annual Report) and Environmental Data Book. In addition, we check the materials used in the items we procure, and we are gradually changing item specifications to environmentally friendly materials.*2 We also continuously promote green purchasing.
Furthermore, in December 2018, we reviewed Japan Post Group's Approach to Procurement Activity (procurement policy). In addition to showing that the Japan Post Group supports the 10 principles in the four fields (human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption) defined in the UN Global Compact, we ask our business partners for their cooperation.
Related Information
Japan Post Group's Approach to Procurement Activity (external website)
Japan Post Group's CSR Procurement Guidelines (external website)
For details on our ESG Investment and Financing initiatives and Social Contribution Activities for the Environment, please refer to Related Information.
Related Information
Social Contribution Activities for the Environment
Japan Post Bank supports the Japanese government's laws regarding the promotion of global warming countermeasures, such as the "Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures" and the "Act on the rationalization of energy use and conversion to non-fossil energy". In accordance with the Law, Japan Post Bank regularly reports to the Japanese government on its efforts to combat global warming and submits an annual report on greenhouse gas emissions. Japan Post Bank also invests in the "Japan Green Investment Corp. for Carbon Neutrality(JICN)" (established by the Ministry of the Environment) as stipulated in the Law. Japan Green Investment Corp. for Carbon Neutrality(JICN) aims to invest in projects that contribute to decarbonization and serve as a catalyst for redirecting large amounts of private ESG funds to decarbonization investments, and Japan Post Bank supports the government policy and is implementing these initiatives.
Related Information
Investment in Japan Green Investment Corp. for Carbon Neutrality (JICN) (Japanese version only)
Japan Post Bank is participating in the Bank of Japan's Funds-Supplying Operations to Support Financing for Climate Change Response.
Amount of investments and financing subject to climate change response operations. (That meet the Bank's criteria)
・1,006 billion yen(as of the end of FY2023)
Related Information
JAPAN POST BANK is a member of the industry associations below.
We believe that the environmental policies of these industry associations are in accord with the policies of the Bank, however, should their policies deviate, we will clearly express our opinion in an effort to contribute to the promotion of climate change countermeasures throughout the entire industry.