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"Discover Abilities"
(Three Pillars ⑵)

The Bank believes that maximizing the ability of employees to demonstrate their acquired knowledge and experience, without question, requires the fostering of a corporate culture and climate that allows employees to be themselves and to work vibrantly and in health. Likewise, the Bank is working to improve motivation and satisfaction through the development of environments that enable employees to maintain and improve their mental and physical health, and ones that allow working styles to match different life stages.
Moreover, the Bank is promoting strategic human resources assignments through the active promotion of young employees, human resources exchanges between organizations, and visualization of human resources using a talent management system.

Strategic Human Resources Assignments

Along with advancing human resources assignments that place the right person in the right position based on the Key Strategies of the Medium-term Management Plan, the Bank engages in initiatives that actively promote young employees, as well as that exchange human resources between related departments and between the head office and front-line organizations, for the purpose of vitalizing internal organizations. At the same time, the Bank employs the in-house newsletter, for example, to introduce thriving young employees who work with vitality in an effort to enhance satisfaction and motivation.
Moreover, the Bank is working to visualize employee skills and experiences via the introduction of a talent management system. Through this effort, we are advancing strategic human resources placements that connect to the continued growth of employees.

Health management initiatives

Basic Stance

Japan Post Bank bases its initiatives on health and productivity management on the idea that maintaining and improving the mental and physical health of employees, as well as creating environments where employees can work with vitality, will contribute to improving productivity and corporate value. Based on this belief, we established the Japan Post Bank Health Management System, and our initiatives include cutting down on long working hours, health guidance toward preventing/reducing the incidence of lifestyle diseases, and mental health care.

External Assessments of Health Management (Japanese version only)

Health Management Initiatives of the Japan Post Group

Health and Productivity Management Promotion Framework

With the President and Representative Executive Officer as the Health and Productivity Management Officer, the Health and Productivity Management Promotion Secretariat takes the lead in promoting health and productivity management at the company while working alongside industrial health staff, Japan Post Mutual Benefit Association and health and safety committees internally.

Japan Post Bank’s Health and Productivity
Management Promotion Framework

Establishment of Japan Post Bank’s Health and Productivity Management KPI and PDCA

To ensure that employees can continue to work with good mental and physical health, we have established mid-term KPIs and evaluate the progress of initiatives for employee health. In addition, we identify potential issues after analyzing the current situation from the results of health exams, with this information used to formulate and evaluate health and productivity management measures.

Health Management Initiatives of the Japan Post Bank (Japanese version only)(PDF/579KB)

Health and Productivity Management KPIs (FY2024/3)

tems FY2021/3 FY2022/3
(1) Health exam uptake rate 100% 100% 100%
(2) Health counseling uptake rate 84.1% 84.7% 100%
(3) Detected health condition rate (blood lipids) 31.4% 29.1% 28.0%
(4) Smoking rate 15.7% 15.4% 15.0%
(5) Stress check uptake rate 95.7% 98.9% 100%
(1) to (4) are based on the results of health exams

PDCA cycle

Health Advancement Initiatives

We support the health advancement of our workforce throughout Japan by working closely with industrial health staff at our nationwide Health Management Centers responsible for the health management operations of the Japan Post Group.
Based on the results of health exams, we work with industrial health staff to recommend exams be received at medical institutions and provide health guidance.
Moreover, we launched the My Health Navi website that provides information on health exam results and ways to prevent life-style related diseases in an effort to increase health literacy.
We are working to review work styles so that employees can achieve work-life balance, including curtailing prolonged working hours and encouraging employees to take paid holidays. We are continuing to reduce the amount of overtime work.

ESG Data: "Employee Health Indicators"

Holding the Walking Festival

The Bank held the Walking Festival targeting all employees for the purpose of raising health improvement awareness, fostering the habit of exercise on a regular basis, and vitalizing communication. (October to November 2022)
In addition to team competitions and area-specific competitions, we planned events that helped employees to easily participate and enjoy exercising. In one such example, we aimed to have the total distance walked by all participating employees equal the distance from the earth to the moon. In the end, nearly 2,300 individuals participated from around Japan.

Walking Festival participants

Initiatives to Prevent Secondhand Smoke Exposure

We make efforts to encourage employees to change their behavior, including designating a No-Smoking Day every month and providing online programs to help employees quit smoking*.
Moreover, to raise awareness about quitting smoking, we hold discussions on ways to encourage employees to quit smoking during meetings of the Health and Safety Committee and make these known to employees.

This program is provided through a partnership with Japan Post Mutual Benefit Association.

Initiatives for Mental Health

We have prepared and handed out a Mental Health Guidebook for employees. At our Health Management Centers nationwide, we have set up mental and physical health consultation hotlines where industrial physicians and public health nurses provide guidance to employees about troubles they face at work or in their personal lives. Also, we have set up a hotline that employees can access outside of work hours, completing our consultation system that includes face-to-face, over-the-phone, and email-based services.
In additon, we have support staff in place at our Regional Headquarters nationwide who meet with employees in-person to help prevent mental health issues and provide mental health training to managers with the goal of empowering them to prevent mental health issues in their team members.
Moreover, we perform stress checks at all of our business locations annually to quickly detect mental health issues and improve the workplace environment, and have prepared a return-to-work support program for employees returning to work from a mental health break that offers support and follow-up.

Initiatives to address women's health issues

Recognizing that physical and mental health is important for each employee to fully demonstrate their abilities and work with vigor, we are working on measures to maintain and improve health.In particular, with regard to women's health, we have a paid menstrual leave system, as well as seminars and study sessions for all employees on health issues specific to women, such as menopause and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). We are promoting understanding not only among those involved but also among all employees.

Health and safety initiatives

As a member of the Japan Post Group, Japan Post Bank observes the occupational health and safety laws and other related laws and regulations, and strives to ensure the safety of employees while maintaining and improving their health.

Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives at the Japan Post Group


The Suntory Wellness Online introduces our health management.

Suntory Wellness Online(Japanese version only)

Flexible work styles

Japan Post Bank believes that a working environment that enables employees with a diverse range of backgrounds to fully express their potential is extremely important in providing high-quality service to our customers, and we strive to create employee-friendly working environments.

Introduction and Expansion of Telecommuting (Working from Home, etc.)

With the goal of making work more flexible, increasing the motivation of employees, and boosting operational productivity, the JAPAN POST BANK introduced telecommuting at its headquarters in FY2019/3. Since FY2020/3, the Bank has gradually introduced it at locations other than its headquarters, and the number of employees engaging in telecommuting is expanding in response to the need for diverse work styles.
The Bank has responded to the challenges of COVID-19 through expanding telework, adopting web-based meetings, and introducing staggered working hours and alternate shifts. From the perspective of encouraging work-life balance, we are also advancing initiatives that will make these flexible working styles possible even after the pandemic ends.

  • "I was able to manage my work even when my child was in hospital."
  • "I could spend more time with my family and enjoying my hobbies because I was spending less time travelling to work"
  • "It became easy to balance family care and work"

Diversifying Working Patterns

Through supporting different systems such as reduced working hours, as well as a flextime and rehiring system, we are creating an environment where employees can choose from a diverse range of work styles.

Initiatives to Reduce Total Working Hours and Improve Productivity

Japan Post Bank has a policy to reduce excessive working hours by complying with laws and regulations concerning working hours, such as the 36 Agreement.
Based on this policy, we comply with the Minimum Wages Law, the Labor Standards Law, and other related laws and regulations, and take immediate action to correct any violation of the Labor Standards Law or other relevant laws in the company.
In addition, when administrative guidance such as recommendations for correction is received, the company responds appropriately by confirming facts, responding to corrections, and reporting to the Labor Standards Inspection Office.
We are achieving this through setting limits on overtime, reducing workloads through advancing Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), encouraging employees to take the planned time or one week of continuous time off, and promoting "refresh days", in which employees leave at a designated time.

ESG Data: "Paid Holiday Utilization Rate"

ESG Data: "Overtime Working Hours"

Introducing an interval-based work system

With the goal of ensuring employees get enough time for daily living and creating a healthy working environment, since April 2018 we have had in place a system that guarantees 11-hour intervals between each day’s work.

Wage administration

Japan Post Bank's basic policy is to comply with labor laws and regulations, including the Minimum Wage Act, so that all employees can live healthy, culturally minimum living standards, and to pay wages above the minimum wages in each region.
We have been improving wage levels so that employees in all regions can lead more affluent lives, and we will continue to do so in the future.
There is no disparity in the wages we pay according to nationality, creed, social status, or gender.
The Japan Post Group has also issued the International Labour Organization Convention 100, entitlement to equal remuneration for male and female workers for work of equal value, which sets salary standards for work of equal value without discrimination on the basis of gender.

Improving employee satisfaction levels

JAPAN POST BANK conducts an Employee Satisfaction Survey of every employee each year. The results of the FY2023/3 survey revealed an overall satisfaction level of 67%.
Items identified as issues are reported to management, while the Bank is working to further raise the level of satisfaction, including by making efforts to improve work motivation and the working environment.
Going forward, the Bank will visualize the employee engagement situation over the medium- to long-term, and will revise the survey details in a way that leads to a better working environment.

Fair Human Resources Evaluations and Treatment

The human resources evaluations consist of two types of evaluations: performance evaluations (evaluating the degree of achievement of goals based on position-based objectives) and job action evaluations (evaluating attitudes toward work and other actions and processes).
Managers are the core of the organization, and in order to be more committed to the ever-changing social conditions, they are evaluated on their performance every half year and on their job action evaluations for the full year. In addition, we have introduced multifaceted observation aimed at making the individual aware of his or her own actions. Subordinates, fellow employees, and others selected anonymously answer questions on items such as leadership, human resources development, and work style reform, and feedback on the results encourages managers to change their own awareness and behavior.
For general employees, we conduct performance and job action evaluations throughout the year, and after providing feedback on the evaluation results, we set up a grievance consultation system to ensure that employees are satisfied with the results of their evaluations and that fair evaluation results are reflected in their compensation.
For both managers and general employees, the company sets the expected roles for each position, etc., and based on these expected roles, each employee sets goals jointly with the evaluator at the beginning of the fiscal year. At the end of each fiscal year, the company conducts a self-evaluation of these goals, followed by an evaluation by multiple evaluators (multi-stage evaluation), and provides feedback on the evaluation results to employees, which leads to human resource development.

Financial Wellness

We are working to enhance and disseminate welfare programs such as iDeco, the Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Asset Accumulation Savings, and Group Term Life Insurance in order to support the asset-building of employees themselves, who are the leaders in creating value.
Specifically, the Japan Post Group conducts an e-learning "Life Planning Seminar" common to the Japan Post Group with the aim of providing meaningful information for employees to plan their lives.
By providing an opportunity for employees to consider their own life plans in accordance with their circumstances and wishes, we support life plans that are more affluent and comfortable to live from being employed to being retired.

Labor-management Relations

The JAPAN POST BANK has organized labor unions such as The JAPAN POSTAL GROUP UNION, which conducts collective bargaining on an equal footing between labor and management regarding employment security, employee wages, working hours, and other working conditions, as well as labor-management communication on topics such as management, production, working hours, and benefits as appropriate.
In addition, we actively hold labor-management consultations on issues such as the realization of gender equality and business issues.

Number of employees covered Labor-management agreements:Approx. 12500 (Approx. 85% of Japan Post Bank employees) (as of the end of March 2023)

Basic Approach to HR Strategies