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"Encourage Growth"
(Three Pillars ⑴)

Amid the dramatic shifts taking place in the social conditions and economic environment in which the Bank is situated, employees must precisely address the increasingly complex needs of our customers. For this purpose, every employee must consider their own careers, strive to grow, provide customer-oriented services, and develop professional human resources who are willing to take on the challenge of enhancement areas . Under the belief that the very growth of a diverse range of human resources is a source of competitiveness, the Bank provides active support for career development.
In addition, from the dual approach of recruitment and developing existing human resources for the enhancement areas in the Medium-term Management Plan, the Bank strives to secure personnel in specialized fields, and is advancing active recruitment of outside human resources along with the acquisition of knowledge and know-how in specialized fields.

Development of Autonomous Employees

The Bank provides opportunities for employees to gain awareness and learn in order for them to consider a vision for their future selves, and to execute plans to achieve this vision of their own accord.
The Career Design Guidebook provides a career challenge system and internships within group companies to help employees think about their careers and take on the challenge of their own careers.
Along with revising the existing management stance and shifting to a servant leadership style that draws out the capabilities of employees based on relationships of trust, the Bank has introduced 1 on 1 meeting for the purpose of deepening communication and the resulting successful circulation model.

Development of Autonomous Employees

Fostering an awareness of career development

As an opportunity to think about their own careers, we have formulated the career design guidebook that presents the work content of all organizations and departments, introductions of career development support measures, and employee interviews who actually used them.

We also conduct career design training, which involves taking an inventory of our own careers, designing the life that we want to envision through our work, thinking about actions toward realization, establishing e-learning courses on career design by age group. We are working to foster an awareness of thinking about careers on our own.

career design guidebook

Providing opportunities for career choice

We have introduced the following systems as an opportunity to select and implement the careers that we have drawn on ourselves.

The Career Challenge System, which allows employees to transfer to other departments through internal recruitment, is increasing year by year both in the target departments and in the number of applicants.
In addition, the Postal Services Group conducts in-house recruitment across the Group, sidelines within the Group, and internships, enabling career development across companies and organizations.

Career Challenge System In-house recruitment system that allows employees to raise their hand and be transferred to the department of their choice
Cross-group internal recruitment Open recruitment system among group headquarters
Strategic side job
  • Participation in the operations of other departments at the headquarters of each Postal Group company about once a week
  • Employee's side-business with other companies outside the postal service group
Internship A system for experiencing the operations of the Group headquarters and other organizations within the company in a short period of one to two weeks
Number of Career Challenge System Applicants and Number of Departments Subject to the System

Providing learning opportunities related to career development

To open up careers, we provide opportunities for employees to learn independently.

In addition to e-learning, correspondence courses, and subsidies for qualifications acquisition costs available to all employees, we are expanding our voluntary career development support measures through DX practical human resources programs, selected training, and open recruitment for studying abroad and other means.

DX Practical Human Resources Program Publicly recruited and selectively trained personnel who play a central role in data utilization
Selected training Training in which participants choose the topics they wish to study
Dispatch to companies, study at graduate schools in Japan and abroad Dispatch personnel with a global perspective and highly specialized knowledge in the fields of finance, management, and law on a selective basis through open recruitment
E-learning,Correspondence Courses, Qualification Acquisition Assistance E-learning accessible from home (about 200 courses), correspondence courses (about 200 courses), and providing subsidies for qualification fees

Initiatives for managerial positions, Management transformation

In order for employees to grow independently, autonomously and to make the most of their individuality, we believe that management of managers close to the employees are important, and we are transforming ourselves into a servant leadership style.

Specifically, management training and Ikubos training are provided to managers in each organization.
We have also introduced 1on1 meetings for the purpose of deepening communications and resulting successful circulation model, and we conduct 1on1 training for managers.

  • Ikuboss Training Session
    Ikuboss Training Session
  • 1on1 meeting website
    1on1 meeting website
  • 1 on 1 Bibles
    1 on 1 Bibles

Training, On-the-Job Training, Mentoring program

In order to nurture employees who grow themselves through challenges and maximize their abilities, which is the basic concept of our human resource strategy, Job level-based training is structured to learn the stance (attitude and role awareness) of each position and implement it in their work.

In the acquisition of business knowledge, we provide training by job function, mainly through on-the-job training by senior employees in the same department. In addition, senior employees from other departments serve as mentors to support career development and workplace adaptation through advice.

Training, On-the-Job Training, Mentoring program

Active Recruitment of Specialized Human Resources in Enhancement Areas

In an effort to secure and develop specialized human resources as early as possible in the market operations, digital, and other fields, the Bank introduced course-specific recruitment for new-graduate hires. Similarly, the Bank is focused on recruiting students that possess advanced specializations.
In market operations, risk management, and other fields that require advanced specialization, the Bank engages in mid-career recruitment leveraging direct recruiting and alumni networks. The Investment Division, in particular, introduced and has applied a performance-linked compensation plan for employees with advanced, specialized knowledge since April 2016.
Since this time, it has worked to actively secure specialized human resources and strengthen the organizational framework.

Percentage of recruits specialized human Resources
(Actual recruitment for fiscal year 2022)
Percentage of recruits specialized human Resources (Actual recruitment for fiscal year 2022)

Dispatch to other companies

The Bank actively seconds employees to other companies and engages in human resources exchanges from the standpoint of deepening the understanding of different businesses and organizational cultures, as well as of helping employees acquire specialized knowledge. This effort is also taken from the standpoint of building networks with a diverse range of human resources.
Among these initiatives, the Bank dispatches loaned employees to affiliated companies (GP, etc.) and focuses on human resources development as part of our efforts to strengthen the Σ (Sigma) Business, a Key Strategy of the Medium-term Management Plan.
These initiatives serve as opportunities for employees to gain a new awareness, as well as opportunities to reexamine themselves from a different standpoint than in the past. In this way, they function to support the career development and growth of our employees.

Basic Approach to HR Strategies